Fallout New Vegas

I waited a week, what more do you expect?….


I finally gave into my Fallout obsession once more and headed out to GAME yesterday and picked up a copy of Fallout New Vegas.

Fallout New Vegas Trailer

I managed just about a week, and finally broke down and bought it (somehow, I think I will be eating a lot of pasta in the near future!).

I have watched every trailer, preview and review for the past year in anticipation, and I recently completed Fallout 3 (other than a few side quests) so the stage is set!.

Some handy sites I use for those who are looking for some more information or help:


The Definitive Fallout Wiki

Official Fallout Site

Been fairly busy the past few days so I haven’t been able to get on the Xbox for very long, but from what little I have already seen I am in for many, many hours of entertainment.

Somehow, amongst the hundreds of reviews and trailers I have seen, I must have missed one as I do not remember anything about there being the option to create your own ammunition and mods for your weapons OR the ability to create meals and poisons and such from recipes!.

How on earth could I have missed such major things?!  from my many hundreds of hours playing Oblivion and Morrowind (and more recently The Witcher and Gothic 3) I have grown accustomed to creating my own weapons, potions and such, now I get to lose many more helpless days creating various odds and ends!.

Well, just a quickie today as I am hoping to dive back in when the Xbox has finished downloading the major update (more info for Xbox 360 owners at Xbox.com.

~ by Terence Bennett on November 3, 2010.

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